Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “easter”
Christ's Atonement throughout Eternity (A poem)
When did Christ atone for me?
Indeed, it happened in Calvary.
It must be his death on the cross that set us free.
But didn’t he bleed from every pore
On a hill where he suffered in agony?
Surely, it happened in that dark time before.
Can both be included in his atoning reach?
Each moment seems part of his love for me.
Yes, his sacrifice was more than one momentary breach.
The physicalness of God
N.T. Wright is the C.S. Lewis of our day, according to Robert Millet and with that comparison, he has such clout that religious scholars respect his word and Time magazine publishes his articles. Last December, he wrote a short essay titled, ‘The New Testament Doesn’t Say What Most People Think It Does About Heaven’. He calls out Plato, of whom Aristotle was a student, for creating the conventional Christian view of humanity dying and leaving this world to go up to heaven.
Is Jesus real?
The testimony of Christ comes from more than historical facts. It comes from more than the biblical witness.
It is more significant than knowledge from the living prophets.
It reaches farther than the witness in Latter-Day scripture.
These witnesses with the testimonies of our forefathers establish a footing that stabilizes our view into His heavens. They provide stability for patient ponderings within our soul.
The testimony of Christ lives through the grace of His covenants